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July 12, 2024

This week’s flooding, on the anniversary of last year’s, reminds us how important community is. Not only in the moment of crisis, but on the long road to recovery and greater resilience.

At the Preservation Trust of Vermont, we are ready to help communities on that journey to preserve or restore what matters to them. In the weeks and months ahead PTV will be there to listen, provide assessments of historic buildings that have been damaged, and connect communities to resources to help them recover.

Please see below to find information on mitigating flood damage to historic buildings and steps you can take once the water recedes.

In the meantime, please stay safe and take good care.


Ben Doyle

Current Conditions in Vermont

Vermont Emergency Management 

Vermont Agency of Transportation Road Closures in Vermont
Please note that this map only includes the major roads, and not all of the minor roads that have been wiped out because of the flooding.

A large selection of viewer contributed photos and videos from around the state. 


As the Floodwaters Recede: A Checklist of Things to Do

The following checklist will help you respond to flood damage in historic and older buildings. Read the steps through carefully and take time to plan. While it is tempting to wade right in with a shovel and mop, it is very important to develop a plan for cleanup and rehabilitation. Unfortunately, overly zealous cleanup efforts can result in historic materials being carted away, excessively rough cleaning methods, and the unnecessary loss of historic fabric. The best way to prevent additional damage to historic structures and materials during a time of duress is to use caution and plan ahead.

  • Follow all emergency rules, laws, and regulations
  • Turn off all utilities
  • Document building damage
  • Wear protective clothing
  • Stabilize any unstable structures with temporary bracing
  • Use caution when pumping basement water
  • Keep building properly ventilated
  • Clean everything that got wet with a disinfectant
  • Allow saturated materials to dry using natural ventilation
  • Check for foundation damage
  • Replace soil around foundation
  • Save historic materials if possible
  • Use caution when removing lead-based paint or any products containing asbestos
  • Clean and repair roof and roof drainage systems to protect building from future damage

Adapted from: INFORMATION, National Trust for Historic Preservation Booklet No. 82, 1993, Treatment of Flood-Damaged Older and Historic Buildings.


Resources for Flood Damaged Properties

Disaster Recovery Guide for Business outlines the steps business owners should take as well as the information to gather post-disaster. Please consult this guide should you need it and share with any businesses you know who may have been impacted. For more information and assistance, visit the VtSBDC’s Flood 2023 webpage.

Vermont Flood Guide: Preparation, Response and Recovery

National Trust for Historic Preservation Disaster Response Resources

19 Tips for Bringing Historic Properties Back From a Flood

Saving Wet Books After a Flood

Returning Home After a Flood


For More Help

American Red Cross:

BROC — Community Action in Southwestern Vermont:

Capstone Community Action:

Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity:

Northeast Kingdom Community Action:

Southeastern Vermont Community Action:


In the coming days and weeks…

We are currently coordinating with partners to determine the best way to effectively help our historic downtowns, village centers, businesses, and homeowners. Please stay tuned for more information in the coming days and weeks.

If you have questions, concerns or are in immediate need of help with your building, please feel free to contact us here and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


To Make a Donation

Vermont Flood Response and Recovery Fund at the Vermont Community Foundation:!/donation/checkout

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