Craftsbury Community Care Center, East Craftsbury
The Craftsbury Community Care Center (CCCC) is a non-profit owned and operated independent senior living facility in East Craftsbury with a mission to provide a caring, homelike, affordable residence for seniors in a setting that encourages independence, activities and involvement with families, friends and the larger community. Constructed in 1994, the Care Center is not a traditional PTV project, but the CCCC model offers an economical approach to safely housing elders in a village setting, which helps preserve and enhance the village of East Craftsbury.
The CCCC board is working their way through a series of building upgrades including HVAC renovations, ($1,005,000), kitchen renovations ($535,000), and exterior repairs and painting ($50,000). To date they have raised about $1,450,000 towards their goal of $1,700,000, including $557,760 in private donations. The board has secured grants from the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, the Vermont Community Development Program (CDBG), USDA Rural Development, Efficiency Vermont, Capstone, and BGS/Building Communities. Hardwick, Glover, and Craftsbury have all contributed ARPA funds to the project as have local banks and businesses. A $50,000 grant from the Freeman Foundation will support exterior repairs and painting, ensuring that seniors can age in their community, and the building and its residents continue to contribute to the vibrancy of the village.