Timeline of Activities
- The Vermont Council of the Society of New England Antiquities, under the leadership of Ed Kellogg, a Vermont Law School professor, puts in motion the steps needed to establish an independent statewide historic preservation organization.
- Paul Bruhn hired as Executive Director of the Preservation Trust.
- Small grant program in partnership with Housing and Community Affairs was established. Recipients included Bethel, Windsor, White River Junction, Middlebury, W. Rutland, and Bellows Falls.
- Preservation Trust publishes Historic Preservation in Vermont, a basic book on historic preservation and its role in Vermont.
- First historic preservation easement is accepted on Williams Hill in Richmond. PTV now holds easements on 88 historic sites and structures around Vermont including Officers Row at Fort Ethan Allen, the Marble House in Fair Haven, and the Farm Barn at Shelburne Farms.
- Preservation Trust publishes 300 Things to See and Do: A Guide to Historic Sites and Districts, Museums, Covered Bridges, and Scenic Wonders.
- PTV forms partnership with the Vermont Arts Council to provide Architectural Historians in Residence in Vermont schools.
- The Eva Gebhard-Gourgaud Foundation provides funding that allows the Preservation Trust to award grants to rehabilitate Greensboro’s Town Hall and Cornwall’s Library and town offices.
- PTV is awarded Challenge Grant by the National Trust to help build the Preservation Trust’s fundraising capacity.
- Again with support from Bob Sincerbeaux and the Eva Gebhard-Gourgaud Foundation, PTV is able to provide the first grant to Shelburne Farms to help plan the conversion of Shelburne House to an Inn.
- PTV publishes A Celebration of Vermont’s Historic Architecture, a photography book by Sanders Milens.
- National Trust recognizes Robert Sincerbeaux with an Honor Award. Bob was a founding director of the Preservation Trust and our first major benefactor.
- Ellis L. Phillips Foundation makes first major grant to help PTV establish a Small Grants program. The Foundation provides the funds to establish PTV’s Small Grants Fund, and continues to give for the next eight years before moving to Boston and changing funding priorities. In honor of PTV Board Member and foundation employee Pat Cate, the Foundation awards PTV a $10,000 grant in 1992.
- PTV accepts first gift of property, Williams Hill in Richmond, from the Eva Gebhard-Gourgaud Foundation.
- PTV and the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center produce a traveling exhibit based upon A Celebration of Vermont’s Historic Architecture. The exhibit, now on display at the Grand Isle Lake House, opens in the Governor’s Corridor in Montpelier and then travels around the state for two years.
- Williams Hill in Richmond sold and proceeds used to establish the Capital Fund. The fund provides annual income to the Preservation Trust and serves as a Reserve Fund to help the organization weather lean years.
- Awards Program established by the Preservation Trust. Over 150 Vermonters and projects have been recognized by the program.
- PTV works with Senator Robert Gannett to put on hold a proposed new Windsor County Courthouse on land near the Interstate, and explore locating it in downtown White River Junction.
- PTV works with Kunin Administration to establish a matching grants program at the Division for Historic Preservation. Since then 472 grants totaling $3,552,500 have been awarded.
- Bill and Babs Scott donate the Henry House, Matteson House, and 200 acres of land in North Bennington to the Preservation Trust.
- PTV publishes Vermont’s Historic Architecture: A Second Celebration, a second photography book by Sanders Milens.
- Legislature approves locating Windsor County Courthouse in downtown White River Junction.
- With PTV’s support, the Vermont Legislature approves legislation allowing for the designation of local historic districts.
- Land conservation organizations, affordable housing groups, and the Preservation Trust begin work developing the concept for a housing and conservation fund.
- The Legislature approves and Governor Madeline Kunin signs into law the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board. In the time since, over 9,000 units of affordable housing have been developed (many in historic buildings located in village centers and downtowns), over 360,000 acres of farmland and recreational lands have been conserved, and scores of historic buildings have been rehabilitated for public use.
- PTV establishes The Fund for Vermont’s Third Century. The program was designed to encourage communities to celebrate Vermont’s Bicentennial in ways that would last. The $400,000 fund was made possible by the Merchants Bank, Windham Foundation, Bay Foundation, Blue Ridge Foundation, Cecil Howard Charitable Trust, and the Preservation Trust.
- The Scott Properties are sold and the Preservation Trust grants $100,000 to the Park-McCullough House in North Bennington and $50,000 to help establish the Bennington Region Preservation Trust.
- In partnership with UVM’s Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, PTV helps establish a course to help teachers learn how to use their community and the built environment as a teaching tool.
- Cecil Howard Charitable Trust and the Eva Gebhard-Gourgaud Foundation decide to cease operations, and distribute their assets. PTV receives a gift of $100,000. The two foundations were managed by Robert Sincerbeaux and were the first major supporters of what is now the Vermont Land Trust and the Preservation Trust.
- PTV convenes a meeting at Shelburne Farms on the threat to historic barns. The main recommendation that emerges is a proposal to ask the Legislature to establish a grant program to support efforts to save Vermont’s historic barns.
- PTV helps Bill and Babs Scott establish the Fund for North Bennington.
- After much internal debate, the Preservation Trust Board agrees on a strategy to deal with Wal-Mart. We understand the need of many Vermonters to have the kind of shopping opportunity provided by Wal-Mart, and we will support smaller scale stores that are built in our downtowns. And, we will strongly oppose stores proposed for out-of-town locations.
- PTV successfully leads the lobbying effort asking the Legislature to fund a barn grant program to be managed by the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation. PTV continues to lobby for funding, and over the years the Division has awarded 280 grants totaling $1,835,000.
- Because of the threat posed by Big Box development, Vermont is listed on the National Trust’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places. PTV works with local organizations in Williston and St. Albans to stop Wal-Marts proposed for sprawl locations.
- PTV establishes the Founders Circle Club for donors who give the Preservation Trust $1,000 to $10,000 per year for general support. The program now supports one-third of the general fund.
- PTV publishes Organizing Volunteers for Preservation Projects, a “how-to” book written by Judi Bell and Steve Harris who managed the Lincoln Historical Society’s barn raising project.
- The Freeman Foundation begins grantmaking partnership with the Preservation Trust.
- The Vermont Division for Historic Preservation establishes the Downtown Program in collaboration with the Preservation Trust.
- Shelburne Farms hosts the first annual statewide historic preservation conference. The conference was sponsored by the Preservation Trust, the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation and UVM’s Historic Preservation Program.
- PTV publishes A State Highway Project in Your Town by Jim Wick, a book to help community leaders advocate for community-friendly road and bridge projects.
- Shelburne Farms wins an Honor Award from the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
- After a debate on Vermont Public Radio, Wal-Mart officials accept the Preservation Trust’s invitation to visit Vermont to look at possible downtowns locations. Wal-Mart VP agrees to seriously explore a store in downtown Rutland.
- With author Marilyn Stout and artist Janet Fredericks, PTV develops a new book Vermont Village and Countryside Walks. The book is published by Vermont Life Magazine and the Preservation Trust.
- Vermont Country store and PTV establish The Local Storekeeper Awards Program. The program recognizes the value of village stores and highlights the best storekeepers. Over the four-year duration, the program honors over 40 village stores for their excellence.
- The Board establishes the Director’s Fund with an initial gift from Christine Graham.
- Funding from the Freeman Foundation for preservation grants surpasses $1 million. Nearly 400 projects around the state have been supported by the partnership with the Preservation Trust. The partnership continues today.
- Marjorie Pierce donates her store and house to the Preservation Trust. Marjorie retains a life tenancy in the property. Her goal is to one re-open the store, with the help of PTV, so that it can again be a community gathering place.
- The Preservation Trust is awarded one of two national grants from the National Trust for Historic Preservation and The Mellon Foundation to establish a field service program to support local preservation efforts. Ann Cousins and Steve Libby are hired as the first Field Representatives.
- PTV reaches $1 million in total revenues for the first time. More than $650,000 is granted to various projects around the state.
- Bob and Cindy Hoehl donate the Former Camp Marycrest to the Preservation Trust. The Trust begins rehabilitation work on what will become the Grand Isle Lake House. A major grant from the Bay Foundation saved the distinctive wrap-around porch.
- Local citizens, the Vermont Land Trust, and PTV raise more then $400,000 to purchase the Clark Farm in Shelburne and save the land on Route 7 south of Shelburne from sprawl development.
- Wal-Mart opens in Williston and in downtown Rutland. The downtown Rutland store happened as a result of a two-day tour of Vermont downtowns for two of Wal-Mart’s Vice Presidents who made a special trip to Vermont at the invitation of the Preservation Trust.
- The Vermont Housing and Conservation Board receives an Honor Award from the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
- The Preservation Trust hires Meg Campbell to manage the historic preservation easement program. By 2020, PTV will hold in total easements on over 100 historic properties throughout the state, the majority of which are co-held with the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board.
- Camp Marycrest is re-named the Grand Isle Lake House and reopens as a special event facility. PTV leases the property to Bev Watson and partners who operate the facility. The Lake House is used for weddings, and for retreats and training with special emphasis on nonprofit users during the week.
- In just two weeks, the Isle LaMotte Reef Association and the Preservation Trust raise over $200,000 and acquire the Fisk Quarry. It is a geologic landmark, and part of the earliest reef formed on earth.
- Allen and Ed Gartner donate a farm in Brandon to PTV. After conserving the wetlands with the Nature Conservancy, the adjacent house lots were sold.
- Donations from the Freeman Foundation reach $3 million since the partnership started in 1994. The grants have played a critical role in over $36 million of preservation work.
- PTV begins holding retreats at the Grand Isle Lake House. Since its inception, over 250 organizations and communities have participated, shared experiences, and left inspired to continue work in their communities.
- The Preservation Trust and partners acquire a key parcel of land at the intersection of Routes 7 and 22A in Ferrisburgh to protect the site from sprawl development. The 25 acre-site was largely conserved with some land set aside for a park and ride, visitor’s center, and a non-retail commercial site.
- As part of the Preservation Trust’s 20th anniversary year, the Burlington Free Press and PTV sponsor a special grants program called Better Communities for Vermont’s Future. The program provides $157,000 in grants to help communities strengthen their downtowns and village centers.
- PTV celebrates its 20th Anniversary at Shelburne Farms Breeding Barn. Over 1,000 people attend and see more than 100 displays by local organizations who have successfully saved and reused historic buildings.
- PTV receives a Millennium grant from the Bay Foundation. The grant is used to build the endowment for the Director’s Fund.
- PTV negotiates an option on the former Sweat-Comings Plant in Richford. One of the manufacturing buildings is saved, and is now used for a grocery store, health clinic, and affordable housing.
- In partnership with the Vermont Land Trust, PTV negotiates with the Brattleboro Retreat Farm to create a plan to keep the farm in agriculture. Ultimately the Windham Foundation, with support from the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, purchases and conserves the property. VLT and VHCB co-hold an easement on the bulk of the land; PTV and VHCB co-hold an easement on the historic farm complex.
- PTV learns that the Latchis Hotel and Theater complex is for sale, and begins the process of finding a way to acquire the property, keep it in local ownership, and develop a first-class performing arts center. In June, the National Trust for Historic Preservation provides an intervention grant to fund feasibility work.
- PTV Board renames its Community Development Grants in honor of Robert Sincerbeaux. The fund provides small grants to local organizations that are working on saving historic buildings. Over the next decade, the fund will provide over 600 seed grants.
- Vermont Country Store provides PTV with a $25,000 grant to support the Village Store Initiative.
- Under the leadership of Board Member Bob Allen, CEO of the Vermont Country Store, PTV’s Board approves a succession and sustainability plan for the organization.
- Barre Labor Hall and the Barre Historical Society are awarded an Honor Award from the National Trust.
- The Preservation Trust publishes 10 Reasons Why Vermont’s Homegrown Economy Matters by Stacy Mitchell of the Institute of Local Self-Reliance.
- Local citizens and the Preservation Trust loses effort to stop Shaw’s from building a mega-grocery store on Route 100, a location that will threaten the viability of a small grocery in downtown Waterbury.
- Brattleboro Arts Initiative, with considerable support from the Preservation Trust, acquires the Latchis Hotel and Theater complex. PTV provides over $400,000 in loans and grants for the effort.
- The Preservation Trust and the Vermont Land Trust publish Changed Lives, Strengthened Communities: Ten Years of Partnership with the Freeman Foundation to honor the ten year anniversary of our partnerships with the Freeman Foundation. Preservation grants of $6,777,505 over the last decade support 237 preservation projects and play a significant role in $83,323,000 of Preservation Projects.
- PTV Board Member Emily Wadhams joins the National Trust’s management team as Vice President for Public Policy.
- William Pinney, Vermont’s first State Historic Preservation Officer, passes away. Bill was a passionate fighter for Vermont’s historic resources, and was a strong advocate for starting the Preservation Trust. He hoped we would be a good advocate for historic preservation in Vermont, a task we’ve always tried to fulfill.
- Governor Douglas names PTV to the Growth Center Committee, a group tasked with sorting out the possibility of designating growth centers in the state. The idea came out of a retreat at the Grand Isle Lake convened by the Governor’s staff and the Preservation Trust.
- Jane’s Trust awards a $200,000 grant to the Preservation Trust to support the broad mission of historic preservation. Village stores, community revitalization, anti-sprawl activity, and creative economy initiatives are all examples of the kinds of efforts the grant supports.
- The Bay & Paul Foundations commit a $100,000 challenge grant to build the Director’s Fund Endowment.
- After much soul searching, the PTV Board unanimously declines to participate in a new National Trust grant program that is to be funded by big box retailer Lowe’s.
- The Preservation Trust celebrates its 25th anniversary with the publication of Vermont Gathering Places by Peter Miller.
- Senator Patrick Leahy and the Preservation Trust establish The Village Revitalization Initiative. The initiative supports small communities’ efforts to strengthen their village centers. First grants are awarded to Bellows Falls Town Hall Theater, Bloomfield Town Hall, Brandon Town Hall, Brookfield Old Town hall, Hardwick Jeudevine Memorial Library, Hardwick Memorial Hall, Hardwick Town House, Salisbury Shard Villa, and Strafford Town Hall.
- Mad River Glen ski area and the Preservation Trust embark on a unique effort to rehabilitate the single chair ski lift, the last remaining single chair in its original location and an icon of the history of downhill skiing. The goal for the capital campaign is $1.5 million.
- Donors Frank and Bambi Hatch make a major contribution to establish an Advocacy Revolving Fund. The fund support efforts to maintain the essential character of Vermont.
- Preservation Trust and National Trust leadership travel to Bentonville, Arkansas to meet with Wal-Mart’s CEO and Senior Leadership. Discussion focuses on the possibility of an 80,000 square foot prototype that would fit in downtowns.
- President of Wal-Mart USA Eduardo Castro-Wright and his real estate staff visit Vermont to look at and discuss possible downtown locations with the Preservation Trust and the National Trust. Castro-Wright expresses interest in developing a small-scale supercenter in downtown Burlington.
- Home Depot proposes a store on the strip in Berlin. Citizens group forms to oppose the project with support from the Preservation Trust. Less than six months later they pulled their Act 250 application.
- The Field Service Program has another remarkable year marked by serving 135 communities and 230 projects. Using the Preservation Trust’s Field Service Program as the model, the National Trust wins a $5 million grant to help other statewide preservation organizations establish similar programs.
- In May, the 200-year-old Putney General Store sustains heavy damage in a fire. Based on the encouraging results of a structural engineer report, PTV negotiates an option on the property. The Putney Historical Society purchases the building in November and begins plans for stabilization, working closely with the Preservation Trust.
- Brandon Selectboard member proposes to build a 53,000 square foot shopping center a mile south of downtown. This development comes after several years of hard work by community members to build a vibrant downtown which has a total of 55,000 square feet of retail space. Citizens group forms with support of the Preservation Trust.
- Claire’s Restaurant in downtown Hardwick opens as a community supported enterprise. The Preservation Trust helped develop a business structure for the charitable investors who own the space, equipment, and furnishings and for the restaurant operators. The arrangement protects the community investment, and allows the operator to open the restaurant with minimal debt. The Preservation Trust also covered the first years’ rent.
- Under pressure from a group of citizens, Staples decides not to build a proposed store south of Middlebury. PTV supported the citizens group.
- Pierce Store re-opens in North Shrewsbury. When she donated the house and store to the Preservation Trust, it was Marjorie Pierce’s hope and dream that her family’s village store would become, once again, an important gathering place for her community. The effort to re-open and operate the store was led by the newly formed Shrewsbury Cooperative at Pierce’s Store.
- Developers propose a Lowe’s Home Improvement Center for an out-of-town location in St. Albans Town. Three months later, the developers withdraw their proposal in the face of opposition by those interested in maintaining locally owned businesses, the St. Albans Messenger newspaper, and the Preservation Trust .
- Derby Village Trustees, citizens, and the Preservation Trust oppose WESCO Oil Company’s plan to demolish two downtown buildings to build a Champlain Farms gas station/convenience store. As of October 2010, the buildings are standing and the fight continues in Environmental Court.
- Friends of the Champlain Bridge, with support from the Preservation Trust, attempt to save the Lake Champlain Bridge. When structural flaws made it impossible, the group refocuses its efforts to recommend a design that honors its setting, minimizes impact on resources, adds bicycle and pedestrian amenities, and is easy to maintain.
- In November, fire again strikes the Putney General Store, this time by an arsonist. The building is completely destroyed. With $300,000 raised, The Putney Historical Society had fully stabilized the building and was poised to complete the final phase of work with plans to reopen as a general store early in 2010. Devastated once again, the community rallied and begin the process of rebuilding and planning for a store opening in 2011.
- The Freeman Foundation continues historic preservation work through its partnership with the Preservation Trust. Over the 20 year partnership, 414 grant awards have been made throughout the state. The $10,512,510 in total grant-making has played a key role in over $120,000,000 in rehabilitation work.
- Brandon Development Review announces a mixed decision on the proposed out-of-town shopping center. They approve a grocery store but deny 40% of the project. Both the developer and the citizens group appeal the decision to the Environmental Court.
- With support from individual donors and foundations, The Preservation Trust completes $270,000 worth of rehabilitation work at the Grand Isle Lake House. In addition to being a highly successful wedding venue, the Lake House is used by over 90 nonprofit organizations each year for retreats and training.
- Grant funding by Village Revitalization Initiative partnership of Senator Patrick Leahy and the PreservationTrust tops $2.3 million. Projects include the Chandler Music Hall in Randolph, the Bullock Building in Readsboro, the Putney General Store, the Strafford Town House, the North Hero Community Hall, the Ferrisburgh Grange Hall, and the Richford Health Center and grocery store.
- The Preservation Trust receives Trustees Award for Organizational Excellence from the National Trust for Historic Preservation at the annual conference in Austin, Texas.
- With support from the 1772 Foundation, PTV establishes its first Revolving Fund.
- A devastating fire destroys much of the Brooks House in Brattleboro.
- PTV receives grant from the Adelard A. & Valeda Lea Roy Foundation to fund work with underutilized and redundant churches.
- PTV is again offering community tree planting grants with $75,000 funding from Bruce Lisman.
- A continuing major focus of PTV is to support local advocates who are concerned about the impacts of Big Box and Dollar General Development on their communities. PTV Task Force formed.
- PTV Board passed a resolution to oppose a legislative proposal to allow casinos.
- PTV successfully lobbies for a small increase in State Tax Credits, totaling $1,800,000.
- PTV successfully lobbies for legislation requiring collection of internet sales tax to help level the playing field for local businesses.
- PTV begins discussions about how to save the Daisy Turner Homestead in Grafton, VT.
- Tropical Storm Irene hits Vermont and causes damage to more than 700 buildings in many downtowns and village centers alone. PTV provides reconnaissance damage surveys to Senator Leahy and pays for conditions assessments for historic properties and bridges, and Towns’ share of bridge repair costs and $5K to $10K grants to important downtown gathering places.
- PTV works with Wilmington second homeowner to establish the Wilmington Fund that will acquire and rehabilitate key flood damaged buildings in downtown Wilmington.
- Putney General Store opens in November.
- PTV names its Community Fund the Henry and Barrie Jordan Fund, established at the Vermont Community Foundation.
- PTV and Senator Leahy receive award from the National Advisory Council for the Village Revitalization Initiative which to date has distributed $2.4 million in grants that in turn generated $27 million in rehabilitation work.
- PTV begins discussions of Localvesting – direct investing in our communities.
- Money raised in response to Tropical Storm Irene granted to multiple businesses and municipalities for the rehabilitation of buildings and covered bridges. PTV sponsors flood mitigation workshops with AIA, FEMA and ANR.
- PTV advocates keeping state office workers in Waterbury following severe damage to the state office complex following Irene.
- PTV receives a grant from the Birdseye Foundation to support PTV Barn Grant program.
- A successful sprawl battle concludes with developers in Brandon abandoning plans to build a Hannaford’s outside of town and remain in the village.
- Appeal of the Walmart expansion in Bennington resulted in a ruling that gave party status to the Citizens for a Greater Bennington and Vermont Natural Resources Council, allowing them to participate as interested parties in the process.
- Barnard General store closed. PTV begins work with the Barnard Civic Trust to figure out how to purchase the building re-open the store.
- Guilford Store and Café opens in September.
- Barrie Jordon continues generous support with commitment of $50K a year for the next 3 years.
- PTV receives a second grant from the 1772 Foundation of $75K for the Revolving Fund.
- Following news that The Vermont Marble Museum in Proctor will close its door and sell its collection, PTV organizes a charette to brainstorm ideas, ultimately acquiring an option to purchase the building and collections. PTV purchases the collection, glass plate negatives and store (minus the inventory) in December 2012 for $250,000; the archives and stone library are purchased separately by the University of Pennsylvania.
- Sprawl work continues in Bennington, Hinesburg Derby Line, St. Albans
- PTV purchases a one-year option on St. Albans House that is key to rehabilitation funding.
- PTV receives a bequest from Barbara George for to be used first as loans to preservation projects in Montpelier and, upon return, to be added to the Robert Sincerbeaux Fund.
- In partnership with the Fund for North Bennington, PTV accepts the donation of the Merchants Bank building in North Bennington and forms the Left Bank LLC.
- In partnership with VNRC and PTV, the Citizens for a Greater Bennington negotiate a settlement with the developer of the Walmart expansion. Funds will be used to support downtown economic development and water resource mitigation.
- Derby Line developers withdraw permit application to demolish several important buildings and build a gas station.
- The state legislature approves the reuse of heavily flood-damaged Waterbury State Office Complex.
- PTV partners with the Vermont Lake Monster owner to sell seats for $100 to help save and restore Centennial Field in Burlington.
- Barnard General Store reopens.
- Dot’s Restaurant in Wilmington reopens in November.
- PTV continues to raise funds to purchase the Marble Museum building and forms a new non-profit “Vermont Marble Museum, Inc.” to take over management, fundraising and eventual ownership.
- PTV receives 500+ boxes of VT Marble Company archives and blueprints from GMP dating, primarily from 1940s to 1970s. Some of the archive has been conserved.
- The PTV-Senator Leahy Village Revitalization Initiative is used as a national model; there is a bill in Appropriations that would give $10 million to SHPOs for grants.
- PTV continues to monitor Dollar General store plans to building in Vermont communities. At risk are Ferrisburgh and Chester.
- Revolving Fund encourages redevelopment of the Watkins school in Rutland, the Craftsbury Inn and the mill in Starksboro.
- PTV continues to move forward in negotiations to acquire the Marble Museum building pending Environmental Review.
- PTV hosts “Hands On Hammers” volunteer day at the Island Pond church in conjunction with the Historic Preservation Conference.
- PTV negotiates deal with developer of the Derby Walmart including agreement to not build any out-of-town Walmarts until at least 2020, settlement funds for downtown mitigation, and a $500K permanent increase in the downtown and village center tax credit program. The Derby Walmart is permitted.
- The Preservation Trust raised funds to purchase Abenaki burial artifacts and return them to the Abenaki.
- President Paul Bruhn receives Hildene Award.
- Left Bank in Bennington has undergone $70K in building improvements and is now fully leased.
- PTV and Patrick Leahy receive National Preservation Honor Award from the National Trust for the Village Revitalization Initiative Program.
- PTV purchases Vermont Marble Museum real estate, collection, and gift shop inventory December 2014.
- Linda and Jeff Stewart make a commitment to PTV to donate $1 million to start a PTV fund to support downtowns and oppose sprawl.
- Robert Fenix names PTV as one of the beneficiaries of his estate; PTV has 10 members of a Legacy Society who have left a bequest.
- Partnering with Partners for Sacred Places to do master planning and fundraising for 10 churches.
- PTV commits significant Advocacy Funds to oppose Sam Sammis’ proposal to build a huge mixed –use development at Exit 4 in Randolph.
- PTV partners with the Vermont Land Trust and others to save Gilbert’s Hill in Woodstock, the site of the first ski rope town in the country.
- PTV receives $50,000 grant from the 1772 Foundation for Journey’s End, Daisy Turner’s Homestead. Windham Foundation agrees to be stewards.
- Bennington Citizens Group receives 220K from Walmart for economic development and watershed improvements.
- Irene Minkoff and Rita Fuschberg donate Fox Hill to PTV in November; PTV will hold the building until a new arts organization can get organized and assume ownership.
- Derby Walmart breaks ground in August.
- Exit 4 Battle continues.
- Supreme Court rules in VNRC and PTV’s favor on Exit 1, supporting decision of Regional Planning Commission to put new development in downtowns and village centers.
- Work continues in opposing development plans for Exit 4.
- PTV receives grant to support the Vermont Story Lab, a partnership among nonprofits to do better storytelling and increase reach and impact.
- PTV sells 50% ownership of Left Bank to the Fund for North Bennington.
- Rehab and Environmental Cleanup work continues at the Vermont Marble Museum with help from Community Development Grant, VT Tax Credit, and a Cultural Facilities Grant.
- Oliver Danforth, previous owner of Fisk Quarry, donates to PTV a magnificent piece of limestone full of fossils; PTV will loan to different venues.
- Work continues on Journey’s End in Grafton with interpretive signage. Journey’s End is included in VT Project Freedom underground railroad Map
- New Vitas of Utah begins purchasing property in three towns in VT for large planned community development.
- PTV acts as fiscal partner for New Moran project in Burlington.
- National Historic Preservation Act 50th celebration event held in Randolph.
- PTV grants funds from NEK Walmart Mitigation to Vista Supermarkets, Pick and Shovel, the Tasting Center and Newport Renaissance, all in Newport.
- PTV raises $1 million in 2 months to purchase and conserve the land at Exit 4.
- In partnership with PTV and VNRC, the Citizens for a Greater Bennington allocate $100,000 of settlement funds from the developer of Walmart to the redevelopment of the Putnam Block in downtown Bennington.
- The Grand Isle Lake House celebrates its 20th Anniversary.
- PTV officially establishes the Localvesting fund, and votes to invest in 2019 $100,000 in Bennington’s Putnam Block.
- PTV receives grant from the Northern Borders Fund to be re-granted to Community Supported Enterprise Projects in VT’s six northeastern counties
- PTV awards 3 Northern Border grants to Hardwick, Albany, and Peacham café.
- The National Trust for Historic Preservation lists The New Vista project on their “Watch List”. Two weeks later, the developer withdraws from the project.
- PTV makes Margot George Loan Fund loans to a homeless shelter and to Housing Vermont for the French Block.
- Exit 4 Land: Lease signed with Randolph Community Orchard.
- Fox Hill in Poultney donated to Stone Valley Arts with a reversionary clause that the property return to PTV if SVA ceases to use it as a community arts center.
- PTV supports a hotel feasibility study in downtown Randolph.
- PTV serves as fiscal sponsor for Albany Community Trust’s grant application to USDA for Albany General Store purchase of equipment.
- PTV has put $450K into building improvements at the Vermont Marble Museum.
- PTV takes over management of the VMM building.
- “Whale Dance” by Jim Sardonis installed on the site of the original whale tail sculpture at Exit 4 in Randolph.
- The National Park Service awards PTV a Historic Preservation Revitalization sub-grant to be re-granted to projects in rural communities for preservation and economic revitalization.
- PTV forms partnership with the 1772 Foundation to grant funds for preservation projects in VT.
- Pierce’s Store in Shrewsbury celebrates its 10th Anniversary.
- In partnership with preservation organizations in Maine, New Hampshire and New York, PTV receives significant grant funds from the Northern Borders Regional Commission to be re-granted for historic preservation and economic development projects in VT.
- Paul Bruhn President for more than 40 years passes away unexpectedly on September 19th.
- Senator Patrick Leahy renames the national Historic Preservation Revitalization program the “Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants.”
- Board member Liz Gamache accepts position as Interim President of PTV.
Board Presidents
Georgianna Brush 1980-1983
Peg Garland 1983-1987
Steve Baker 1987-1989
Steve Kimbell 1989-1991
Judy Hayward 1991-1994
Gerrit Kouwenhoven 1994-2004
Henry Jordan 2004-2010
Emily Wadhams 2010
Peter Brink – 2016
Neale Lunderville 2017 – present