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Covid-19 and Community in Vermont

As we join the rest of the world in grappling with an unprecedented health crisis, at the Preservation Trust our faith in the power of community has never been stronger. Over our last forty years, we’ve witnessed Vermonters coming together in times of crisis. While in the coming weeks and months, we’ll all face challenges and uncertainties unlike anything most of us has ever experienced, we know that we can count on one another to weather the storm.

With concern for all community members, and especially those who are most vulnerable to COVID-19, the Preservation Trust has taken measures to protect the safety of our staff and those we serve in order to limit the spread of the virus to others. For the foreseeable future, we are working remotely, and remain available by phone, email and videoconference. All non-essential field visits have been cancelled. If something requires visual inspection, we are eager to help by reviewing photos via email or through video calls. Our contact information is here. If you don’t know whom to contact, please use our online Contact Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

As a statewide organization with roots in every Vermont town, the Preservation Trust is working with our partners to leverage our deep connections to assist in both the response and recovery phases of the pandemic. Like you, we’ll also be checking in on family and neighbors. A friendly wave from across the street, picking up groceries for an elderly neighbor, or saying thanks to a health care worker are just a few simple ways to keep connected. Social media and videoconferencing (we are fans of Zoom) are two other ways we’ll be keeping in touch.

Please remember Vermont’s small businesses and employees. If you can, support the merchants, restaurants, cultural groups and others that add vitality to our downtowns, village centers, and gathering places.

Our work over the past 40 years has been about saving buildings while building community. Our joy is helping people bring renewed life to public gathering spaces. The days ahead may be uncertain and difficult, but history tells us that Vermonters are strong and resilient. We look forward to the day when we’ll be seeing each other once again in all the old, familiar places.

Be safe, be well and spread kindness,

Liz Gamache and the PTV Family

P.S. Do you have examples to share about how people in your community are supporting one another? Or ideas about how the Preservation Trust can help in your community? Please let us know!

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