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Marble Museum Progress Update

PTV and the Town of Proctor applied for and received a Vermont Community Development Program grant to help bring the Marble Museum up to code, address fire safety issues and to secure funds for asbestos and hazardous material remediation. Read more for a progress report...

The Vermont Marble Museum Today

The Museum includes Large panels of marble from the Vermont Marble Company’s quarries in Vermont and elsewhere, an exhibit on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, The Hall of Presidents, The Geology Room and more.

Why do we care so much about the Vermont Marble Museum?

Located in Proctor, Vermont, The Vermont Marble Museum tells the story of what was once the largest marble company in the world and one of Vermont's most important industries.  The Vermont Marble Company had an enormous impact on the built…


Vermont Marble Museum History

Reportedly the largest museum in the world dedicated to the production of marble, the Vermont Marble Museum is located in what was once the main manufacturing plant of the Vermont Marble Company.
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